The Tin District arts community of Dallas is hosting an Open Studio this Saturday, April 22, 2023, to coincide with the Dallas Art Fair.
You are also very welcome to visit the She/Her exhibition participating in the Open Studio at Ro2 Art (2606 Bataan St) which is showing works from my Isolation series along with the works of the other talented artists.
View the She/Her exhibition on Artsy here.
she/her | Ro2 Art, Dallas
The SHE/HER group show opens at ro2 art Dallas this Saturday, 18 March, with the vernissage from 7 - 10 pm (2606 Bataan St). It’s a pleasure having drawings from my isolation series included with work by these talented artists.
Artists included: Allison Belliveau-Proulx, Gillian Bradshaw-Smith, Catherine Cornelius, Kathryn Gohmert, Candace Hicks, Bumin Kim, Hanna Kratsman-Robles, Yuni Lee, Julie Libersat, Yasuyo Maruyama, Jeanne Neal, Hayley Quentin, Cat Rigdon, Kathy Robinson-Hays, Dee Shapiro, Erica Stephens, Laura Lawson, Carroll Swenson-Roberts, Marilyn Waligore, Peggy Wauters, and Lillian Young.
Image: Untitled 41 (Isolation), 2022, Kathryn gohmert / 14.8 x 21 cm / Ink, graphite and oil pastel on paper
interview "unterwegs in weimar" | mdr thüringen
So honored my FUTURA CEREBRA exhibition was a part of MDR Thüringen’s recent exploration of Weimar. It’s so nice to see my work on the walls surrounded by friends and holding a place in the cultural fabric of the place I call home. Love galerie eigenheim’s description too of their journey.
“Zwei Tage Weimar! Ohne die kulturellen „Platzhirsche“ Goethe, Schiller und Bauhaus! Steffi Peltzer-Büssow begegnet Künstlern, die ihr Schicksal in die Hand nahmen und „einfach“ eine eigene Galerie gründeten, das „Eigenheim“. “
BITTERER FRÜHLING | Charlottenwalk 3 - 4.6
The last week of the BITTERER FRÜHLING group show at EIGENHEIM Berlin is part of the Galerierundgang in Charlottenburg. this friday and saturday, 3 - 4 june, 2022.
more at galerie eigenheim.
bitterer frühling | galerie eigenheim berlin
The BITTERER FRÜHLING group show opens today at Galerie Eigenheim Berlin.
very happy to have new drawings from my ‘War Monsters’ series included alongside work by these other talented artists.
Opening: 29 April, 19 Uhr
running through Gallery Weekend Berlin.
Was Truthähne zum Bauhaus sagen |’s words about the DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS? Exhibition at Galerie Bernau (with some words on my performance with the Callings musical score at the opening).
DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS is curated by @annkathrinrudorf with photos by @alena_schmick.
The exhibition runs 1 Aug - 20 Sept.
read the entire article here.
Learn more about my calling blind series here.
DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS? | galerie bernau, bernau bei berlin
drawings from my callings series, a collection of musical scores for wild bird calls, are on view at galerie bernau as part of the group show DID YOU MEAN BAUAHUS? running from 1.08 - 20.09.2019.
the calling blind works explore how the act of calling is a metaphor for human exploration and the vulnerability and bravery involved in the act of waiting with hope.
denise rosero bermúdez, constanza carvajal, ah ram chae, sophie foster, kathryn gohmert, devadeep gupta, stefan lesueur, ma hie, yael peri, yagmur iskin ruzgar, nora spiekerman, edoardo tedde, jakob wirth, wong sze ting, astrid true may, sergio valencia
curated by ann-kathrin rudorf
photos: alena schmick
article in
see more images on instagram here.
very grateful to goethe-institut and kultursymposium weimar for the video inclusion of accountability machine in action during “die route wird neu berechnet” video released online this week.
(accountability machine caught pointing north at :59)
more about my work here and more about gonzomechanics and its machines here.
Images from Kultursymposium Weimar’s opening and (and after party) this past weekend, with Accountability Machine interacting on-site. This was a blast.
Read more about how Accountability Machine is trying to save the world.
more about goethe institut’s “DIE ROUTE WIRD NEUE BERECHNET” here.
more about the sculpture Accountability Machine here.
Now Germany’s Bauhaus is Getting its Due | The Washington Post
really grateful to the Washington Post for mentioning the imaginary bauhaus museum exhibition in this article exploring the 100 year anniversary of Bauhaus.
Read the whole article, including interview with Danica Dakic, here.
Thank you to everyone that joined the Manifest of Practice exhibition vernissage at the Thüringer Staatskanzlei in Berlin and made the opening so memorable.
It’s a pleasure to be part of the 100 Years of Bauhaus anniversary with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, its team and its alumni.
See more images and videos from the night on @gonzomechanicstudio’s instagram and how gonzomechanics is trying to save the world with more about our artists here.
The exhibition runs until 1 Feb.
DEUTSCHLAND… | positions berlin art fair
i’m proud to have my newest work included in this artist’s book with so many talented other artists. my interactive board game, citizenship: german edition, is installed on site and can be played while the show runs. this game navigates players (using stamps as game tokens) through the joys and agonies on the path to german citizenship by means of learning a complicated language, paying taxes, adapting to dramatic weather and partying in berlin.
selections of this artist’s book are on display this weekend, 9 - 12 September at booth B09 at the positions berlin art fair.
the publication DEUTSCHLAND… is on view until 4 October at galerie eigenheim weimar and can be found at their weimar location (asbachstraße 1, 99423) or their newly-opened berlin space (kantstraße 28, 10623, charlottenburg) .
details are below in german, or on the galerie eigenheim website.
DEUTSCHLAND… die 3. Edition von Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin
Eröffnung 24.08.2018 um 19 Uhr / Dauer 25.08. – 04.10.2018 / Ort Eigenheim Weimar (im Gärtnerhaus des Weimarhallenparks, Asbachstr.1, 99423 Weimar) / beteiligte Künstler Gökçen Dilek Acay / Akinbode Akinbiyi / Johannes Albers / Claus Bach / Konstantin Bayer / Marc Bijl / Anna Bittersohl / Benedikt Braun / Frederik Foert / Enrico Freitag / Kathryn Gohmert / Rayk Goetze / Marc Jung / Mischa Leinkauf / Berit Mücke / Timo Herbst und Marcus Nebe / Adam Noack / Nina Röder / Naomi Tereza Salmon / Anna Schimkat / Heike Stephan / Zentrum für Politische Schönheit / Julia Scorna / Gabriele Stötzer / Ulrike Theusner / Philip Topolovac / Christian Werner / Reinhard Zabka
Nach den beiden erfolgreichen Editionen zum Thema 10 Jahre Galerie Eigenheim (2016) und Handlungsanweisungen in der Kunst (2017) widmet sich Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin im Jahr 2018 dem Thema Deutschland…
Zusammen mit 28 nationalen und internationalen Künstlern diskutieren wir das Bild dieser Nation von heute, setzen uns mit der Geschichte auseinander und beschäftigen uns mit individuell biografischen Blickwinkeln auf dieses Land. Die Edition erscheint in einer Auflage von 12, im Format A3, in einer leinengebundenen Box und vereint Malerei, Druckgrafik, Fotografie, Installation, Sound- und Videoarbeiten. Mehr Informationen zur Ausstellung, den Arbeiten und den Künstlern finden Sie auf unserer Webseite. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch zur Eröffnung, zu den Öffnungszeiten oder jederzeit nach Vereinbarung.
3. berliner herbstsalon | maxim gorki theater | berlin
from maxim gorki theater website:
“seit mittlerweile vier spielzeiten arbeiten wir am maxim gorki theater daran, uns aus vereinfachungen, zuschreibungen und kategorisierungen herauszuspielen und neue narrative aufzubauen.
im november laden wir zur dritten ausgabe des berliner herbstsalons mit kunst, theater, performance und diskurs in die mitte der stadt: vom brandenburger tor über das kronzprinzenpalais bis zum palais am festungsgraben und in das GORKI. unter der überschrift desintegriert euch! versammelt der 3. berliner herbstsalon arbeiten von rund 100 bildenden und darstellenden künstlerinnen, die sich kritisch mit konstruktionen von identität und einheit auseinandersetzen.
3. berliner herbstsalon | 11. – 26. november
organisiert von shermin langhoff mit aljoscha begrich, cagla Ilk, erden kosova, tunçay kulaoğlu, elena sinanina.
die uraufführung beginnt um 16:30, 11. november.
die ausstellung beginnt um 19:00 uhr, 11 november.”
[palais am festungsgraben]
[maxim gorki theater]
jubilämsausstellung | galerie eigenheim, kunsthalle harry graf kessler, weimar
images below from the exhibition and vernissage of galerie eigenheim’s 10 jahre jubiläumsausstellung at kunsthalle harry graf kessler in weimar.
thank you to everyone who came to the exhibition.
more about galerie eigenheim
more about the 10 jahre jubiläumsausstellung and artists book
DRAWING AND WHAT? | ifa gallery [vernissage]
thank you to everyone who came to view the DRAWING AND WHAT? group exhibition on its opening night at if a gallery last weekend.
i’m including some images from the evening here.
alternately, you can see the ifa gallery website for more details on the show.
special thanks to everyone who made the opening such a fun and successful evening.
if you missed the opening night, come check out the work in this group exhibition, featuring one of the first works in the mountain series that is underway in my studio at the moment, along with the works of other the other talented artists i am happy to be showing alongside at studio rouge’s bund location.
DAS ENDE VOM 696 | art: das kunstmagazin
a write-up on the LOST AND FOUND group exhibition at stageback gallery in hip german art magazine, art!
696 weihai lu is honored in this article, as the meaning behind the LOST AND FOUND group exhibition is explored.
fantastic words on URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI as well – the multi media installation work xepo w.s. and i collaborated together on for its inclusion in this show.
“während die kunststudentin in verflossenen zeiten und geschichten verwoben ist, begeben sich die in shanghai lebende amerikanische malerin kathryn gohmert und der spanische fotograf und videokünstler xepo. w.s., zur zeit stipendiat im swatch art peace hotel – shanghai, in ihr direktes umfeld. in einer gemeinschaftsarbeit haben sie schutt und trümmer der umgebung in die galerie getragen und in einer soundinstallation zu einem urbanen durcheinander aufgehäuft. auf alten fernsehern ist zu sehen, wie gohmert an verschiedenen orten glasplatten aufstellt und bemalt.”
the actual article is available on art das kunstmagazin’s website here.
LOST AND FOUND vernissage
what a night to remember: thank you to all who came to the opening of LOST AND FOUND 轮回, stageBACK gallery’s first exhibition opening at its new M50 location.
here are some of the photos below – taken by xepo w.s. , my fellow collaborator on the project URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI. The multi media work is installted in this exhibition which runs until August 31.
More about URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI can be found here.