Many thanks to Theater Rudolstadt for hosting their “Hope vs. Chaos” event during the US election and inviting me to participate as one of their speakers.
It was a pleasure to be a part of this celebration, although the results of the election were not quite what we had hoped. What a highlight in what turned out to be a very difficult week for the world. Thank you MDR Thüringen for the lovely video.
interview | bold journey magazine
Thank you Bold Journey Magazine. It was a pleasure to get to touch on my work’s focus on connection and the brain, sources of inspiration and my collective, Gonzomechanics' recent project with Kunstfest Weimar last month.
Thank you to Katherin Gutierrez, Carlos Santos and Alena Schmick for their amazing photos as always.
Full article below:
"Rising stars" | Voyage Dallas
I’m so excited Voyage Dallas featured my story and work in their latest string of interviews with creative entrepreneurs.
Grateful I even got to touch on my artist collective Gonzomechanics, and our mission as well as my own personal focus on connection and the brain in this article.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival.
"Meet Kathryn Gohmert, Artist" | Shoutout DFW
So many thanks to Shoutout DFW for this generous interview about my inspiration, work and practice.
I’m very touched and grateful to have these words on my work from a native Texas publication.
Read the whole article here.
interview "unterwegs in weimar" | mdr thüringen
So honored my FUTURA CEREBRA exhibition was a part of MDR Thüringen’s recent exploration of Weimar. It’s so nice to see my work on the walls surrounded by friends and holding a place in the cultural fabric of the place I call home. Love galerie eigenheim’s description too of their journey.
“Zwei Tage Weimar! Ohne die kulturellen „Platzhirsche“ Goethe, Schiller und Bauhaus! Steffi Peltzer-Büssow begegnet Künstlern, die ihr Schicksal in die Hand nahmen und „einfach“ eine eigene Galerie gründeten, das „Eigenheim“. “
"Brain Chorus" Performance | Thüringer Allgemeine
this was a nice surprise (and explains all the new faces at the performance at EIGENHEIM Weimar a few weeks ago)! Thank you Thüringer Allgemeine for the mention. ✨
FUTURA CEREBRA runs until 18 February at EIGENHEIM Weimar.
Was Truthähne zum Bauhaus sagen |’s words about the DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS? Exhibition at Galerie Bernau (with some words on my performance with the Callings musical score at the opening).
DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS is curated by @annkathrinrudorf with photos by @alena_schmick.
The exhibition runs 1 Aug - 20 Sept.
read the entire article here.
Learn more about my calling blind series here.
very grateful to goethe-institut and kultursymposium weimar for the video inclusion of accountability machine in action during “die route wird neu berechnet” video released online this week.
(accountability machine caught pointing north at :59)
more about my work here and more about gonzomechanics and its machines here.
Now Germany’s Bauhaus is Getting its Due | The Washington Post
really grateful to the Washington Post for mentioning the imaginary bauhaus museum exhibition in this article exploring the 100 year anniversary of Bauhaus.
Read the whole article, including interview with Danica Dakic, here.
Leipziger Buchmesse | Thüringer Allgemeine
Thüringer Allgemeine’s Culture section exploring the Leipziger Buchmesse this year. My board game installation, Citizenship: German Edition (2018), is mentioned here in relation to Bauhaus Universität, what books reveal about Homo Sapiens and the concept of exactly what and who is foreign/local today.
The whole article is here in German and English.
360° Exhibition Tour of Deutschland... | Art@Berlin
Now a 360° gallery visit of the Deutchland... exhibition at Galerie Eigenheim is available online courtesy of ART@Berlin.
Visitors on this site can now view my board game installation, Citizenship: German Edition (pictured below) as well as work from the other artists from the convenience of their preferred screen (although still not the same as an in-person visit).
Visit the show in person until 21 December at Galerie Eigenheim’s Charlottenburg location.
STAR NEWS | FACES & TRACES | interview
many thanks to an old friend for pointing me to this much belated interview airing this month about my work and practice during my artist residency in 2014 and 2011 at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai.
It was a pleasure being part of this groundbreaking residency’s 10 year story. Watch to hear more about the Swatch Art Peace hotel artist residency, its founders and its participating artists.
Topics of focus in this interview include my mixed media brain studies from 2011 and how they tie into my current practice and writings (as well as space exploration), with My interview beginning at 21:01.
interview | Artscene.Guru
interview with as part of their TWENTY ON TUESDAY series with artists. very grateful to their team for these stimulating and engaging questions (and for making this a lot of fun).
read the whole article on their website here.
really happy about randian’s wonderful article on little victories gallery and the artists involved, A GALLERY ON THE ROLL.
This is a project I was involved in with artists, alec von bargen, Cristina Ohlmer, Evgeny Bondarenko, Jordan Kostov, Julian Palacz, Katie Surridge, Lili Chin, Luca Bray, saoirse higgins, Savinder Bual, Shang Cheng Xiang, Stefano Ogliari Badessi, Vittoria de Ferrari Sapetto, and Willy Chyr.
thank you randian for the lovely words.
also see more on the little victories gallery project here.
LITTLE VICTORIES gallery | domus
this article just appeared in italian publication, domus, and explores the art and vision of the little victories project space founders and the exhibitions held in shanghai recently.
see the article below with my own work mentioned near the end.
the online version is also available on the domus site just here.
secret vii footage | ICS
so thanks to the team at ICS, we now have a copy of the footage aired a few weeks ago on shanghai’s largest local network which featured a great interview of all the artists of the secret vii.
this last exhibition, THE ESSENCE OF RANDOM, is to be our last guerilla pop up exhibition for some time. and just in time, as it looks as if the secret vii aren’t so secret anymore.
see the inteview footage on youtube here [mainlanders, we’ll need our vpns as usual].
HUSTLE exhibition | Studio Rouge
111 LIYANG LU | creative hunt
we’ve been spotted! 111 liyang lu has been the focus of this online article featured on creative hunt’s website this month.
some great photos of this new creative area and its artists – along with their work and studio spaces – are included. well done to the team at creative hunt [cheers to the talented francis arnold].
see the full article on the creative hunt website here.
inluxe | kathryn gohmert 我的中国态度
thank you, inluxe for including me and my practice in this article about my “chinese attitude” (我的中国态度).
read the full article on the inluxe website here.
VERLOREN IN SCHANGHAI | neue zürcher zeitung
feature in swiss publication, neue zürcher zeitung, mentioning my work alongside interviews with good friends eddie mu, linda yu and jean daptiste dumas - specifically regarding our take on modern shanghai.
read the full article by journalist Philipp Mattheis on the neue zürcher zeitung website.