many thanks to an old friend for pointing me to this much belated interview airing this month about my work and practice during my artist residency in 2014 and 2011 at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai.
It was a pleasure being part of this groundbreaking residency’s 10 year story. Watch to hear more about the Swatch Art Peace hotel artist residency, its founders and its participating artists.
Topics of focus in this interview include my mixed media brain studies from 2011 and how they tie into my current practice and writings (as well as space exploration), with My interview beginning at 21:01.
THE STROKE OF A PEN | ifa gallery [details]
“ifa gallery showcases a group of artists commissioned for the exhibition, THE STROKE OF A PEN, each artist interpreting the title as he or she sees best, whether figuratively or with more violent overtones.
christophe demaître melts photography techniques and ink with sensuality. zane mellupe explores the importance of line in the landscape with her marble sculpture. christopher paul gill’s collages underline the necessity of freedom of expression, as does susanne junker with her feminist-themed photographs.
kathryn gohmert’s drawings are the expression of the underestimated carnage that took place in baga, nigeria, on the same date of the charlie hebdo attacks. wu junyong and dai guangyu concentrate on the issue of ink in contemporary chinese culture. alexandre ouairy proposes in “blank project” a series of 100 silk-screen prints on art paper, all numbered and signed. the contract signed during their acquisition defines the artist’s moral right toward his artwork.”
more about the stroke of a pen exhibition.
more about ifa gallery.
i’m excited to announce that some of my recent work - produced during my residency in shanghai last month - will be part of ifa gallery‘s upcoming group exhibition, the stroke of a pen, with work by other talented artists: dai guangyu, christophe demaitre, christopher gill, susanne junker, zane mellupe, alexandre ouairy and wu junyong.
the exhibition runs from 21 february – 15 march, 2015, and you are also very warmly invited to the vernissage on friday, 20 feb, from 5 – 9 pm if you are in the brussels area then.
more about the stroke of a pen group exhbiition.
winter | shanghai
some advice on how to survive winter in shanghai …
…. eat spicy food …
… lots of it …
… stay inside – out of the cold weather – as much as possible …
… but bundle up if you must go outside …
… avoid the zombies – we have them underground now, too …
… only come out once it is warm again … it may be quite a while.
open studio | 111 liyang lu, april 7
what a spectacular beginning to shanghai’s newest creative community – thanks for everyone that came out to the joint open studio last saturday, 7 april. images from the day are here below.
see you next time.
open studio | 111 liyang lu
the creative community at 111 liyang lu is having its first joint open studio this coming saturday, 7 april, to celebrate its new home. hope to see you there [more info coming soon].
special thanks to everyone who made the opening such a fun and successful evening.
if you missed the opening night, come check out the work in this group exhibition, featuring one of the first works in the mountain series that is underway in my studio at the moment, along with the works of other the other talented artists i am happy to be showing alongside at studio rouge’s bund location.
Artists' Dinner
first artists’ dinner at the swatch art peace hotel. thanks for all of the artists who cooked and special thanks to all our friends that came to eat and enjoy the night.
fellow artist-in-residence, xepo w.s., managed to somehow take photos in between cooking his delicious pasta and organizing music.
very thankful for my stay here. looking forward to the work to come from these next few months of focused concentration.
DAS ENDE VOM 696 | art: das kunstmagazin
a write-up on the LOST AND FOUND group exhibition at stageback gallery in hip german art magazine, art!
696 weihai lu is honored in this article, as the meaning behind the LOST AND FOUND group exhibition is explored.
fantastic words on URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI as well – the multi media installation work xepo w.s. and i collaborated together on for its inclusion in this show.
“während die kunststudentin in verflossenen zeiten und geschichten verwoben ist, begeben sich die in shanghai lebende amerikanische malerin kathryn gohmert und der spanische fotograf und videokünstler xepo. w.s., zur zeit stipendiat im swatch art peace hotel – shanghai, in ihr direktes umfeld. in einer gemeinschaftsarbeit haben sie schutt und trümmer der umgebung in die galerie getragen und in einer soundinstallation zu einem urbanen durcheinander aufgehäuft. auf alten fernsehern ist zu sehen, wie gohmert an verschiedenen orten glasplatten aufstellt und bemalt.”
the actual article is available on art das kunstmagazin’s website here.
LOST AND FOUND | Time Out Shanghai
time out shanghai‘s article on the LOST AND FOUND exhibition running at stageBACK gallery NOW.
read the full article online here.
LOST AND FOUND vernissage
what a night to remember: thank you to all who came to the opening of LOST AND FOUND 轮回, stageBACK gallery’s first exhibition opening at its new M50 location.
here are some of the photos below – taken by xepo w.s. , my fellow collaborator on the project URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI. The multi media work is installted in this exhibition which runs until August 31.
More about URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI can be found here.
LOST AND FOUND 轮回 | stageBACK Gallery
9 july, 2011 – august 31, 2011
opening reception: 9 july, 6 – 9 pm
what is loss, what is discovery, what is new and what is old? in the exhibition LOST AND FOUND, to be held at stage候台BACK gallery, a group of artists from around the world explore the issues of dislocation, re-discovery, transient life and re-invention of objects and ideas. these concepts bring the viewer and artwork into close collaboration within the space. following the eviction in may 2011 of around 70 artists and galleries from shanghai’s 696 weihai road studio complex, this arts diaspora has migrated to different spaces around the city. LOST AND FOUND is the first exhibition by stage候台BACK gallery in its new location of m50 district of shanghai: for this exhibition, the artwork as well as the gallery join in rediscovering and reinventing of old identities, transitioning between states of LOST AND FOUND.
什么是失去,什么是发现,什么是新鲜而什么又是陈旧。佛说, 親方貪心如水蕩,怨方瞋心似火燃; 取拾皆忘癡黑暗,拋棄故鄉佛子行。在群展‘轮回’之中,来自各国的艺术家将在stage候台BACK画廊的空间里与观众共同探寻物件,客体,构想,理念的转瞬即逝与重生的历程。在2011年5月威海路696弄艺术区被拆迁之后,70多位艺术家和画廊被迫散居到了城市的各个角落。群展轮回是stage候台BACK迁入M50新址后的第一个展览。此次展览之于艺术家们和候台画廊都是一次重新发现与塑造的历程。
“as one who in his journey breaks at noon,
though bent on speed, so here the archangel paus’d
betwixt the world destroy’d and world restor’d
if adam aught perhaps might interpose;
then with transition sweet new speech resumes.
thus thou hast seen one world begin and end;
and man as from a second stock proceed.
much thou hast yet to see, but i perceave
thy mortal sight to faile; objects divine
must needs impaire and wearie human sense:
henceforth what is to come i will relate,
thou therefore give due audience, and attend.
this second sours of men, while yet but few;
and while the dread of judgement past remains
fresh in thir mindes, fearing the deitie,
with some regard to what is just and right
shall lead thir lives and multiplie apace.”
milton, PARADISE LOST, book 12 弥尔顿 <失乐园> 第12卷
THE END | 696 Weihai Lu
and to top the list [or close to the top] of reasons why we may actually be living in the end times – 696 weihai lu’s artists are officially farewell-ing off into the sunset with a last group exhibition/party/blowout-celebration this saturday, 30 april, 2011.
the flyer, as it was sent to me, is just below but will be posting more details as they arrive.
paint spill outside my studio, on corner of Shaanxi nan lu and Shaoxing lu.
sadly can’t take any credit for it.
we're back
Returning home to the mainland after a winter detour.
i always love checking this box.
Valentine's Day Shanghai
wishing you a messy valentine’s full of brains and inspiration.
What If
Weihai Lu: Another Threat of Extinction
maybe the publicity will get its demolition avoided compeletely by the ones behind the decision.
“with their leases expiring at the end of march, this could be the beginning of the end for weihai 696’s artistic identity… 696 weihai lu [known by its residents as weihai 696] is a shallow nongtang that’s home to dozens of artist studios, small galleries and creative enterprises. with news that the buildings are being sold, artists and art fans are bracing for the possibility that the area will be cleared out, perhaps as soon as march … while many suspect that they will have to leave when their leases expire they don’t know that for sure. the jing’an district government hasn’t divulged any information about what it intends to do with weihai 696… if that happens, it’s unclear what new chapter will be added to the history of an address that has purportedly been an opium and fabric trader’s residence, a factory for radio parts, a cluster of car parts dealerships and, most recently, a wonderful artists’ enclave…”
read more on cnn’s website here.
Open Studio
thanks to all that came to the open studio tuesday night! it was lovely seeing so many faces there, especially since so many were some of my favorite faces. when people come together over caiprinhas to check out brains and talk shop it makes for good times – as well as good photos.
above are some photos taken by talented friend, xepo w.s. – fellow shanghai-based artist who has been working together with me recently on a video project, URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI. more to come on this project soon.