(a year of hopeful growth)
Year of the Dragon
Happy Year of the Dragon!
May this lunar year of the wood dragon reward all your courage with extraordinary treasure.
Wishing you much abundance and joy and especially peace, wherever you find it.
BITTERER FRÜHLING | Charlottenwalk 3 - 4.6
The last week of the BITTERER FRÜHLING group show at EIGENHEIM Berlin is part of the Galerierundgang in Charlottenburg. this friday and saturday, 3 - 4 june, 2022.
more at galerie eigenheim.
bitterer frühling | galerie eigenheim berlin
The BITTERER FRÜHLING group show opens today at Galerie Eigenheim Berlin.
very happy to have new drawings from my ‘War Monsters’ series included alongside work by these other talented artists.
Opening: 29 April, 19 Uhr
running through Gallery Weekend Berlin.
locus anamnesis | virtual exhibition
The LOCUS ANAMNESIS virtual exhibition is online 29 January - 28 February, 2022.
This newest series of drawings and paintings is a study of stimuli through which our minds experience the world. Complex processes are stripped to their bones, with their meaning broken down in diagrammatic space. Symbols create their own code as they point out roots and causes, mimicking the brain’s own process of sense-making on canvas.
The title - LOCUS ANAMNESIS - references Plato’s theory that simulation and stimulation are the only way for humans to bring back the knowledge we lost when born. We are unlearning in order to learn again; losing in order to recover.
Happy Year of the Tiger! | 新年快乐!
the creative life under corona
“Poetry slows us down, cherishes small details. A large disaster erases those details. We need poetry for nourishment and for noticing, for the way language and imagery reach comfortably into experience, holding it and connecting it more successfully than any news channel we could name.”
My fellow artists and I are lucky our profession isn’t limited to good times — that our work grows best under the effects of self isolation and pressure.
Instability has been part of most of our journeys for so long we’ve adapted to it, learning to navigate instead with intuition and grit, letting go of luxuries we never really needed.
Everything will be ok, even though it isn’t right now. Nothing is under control, and it never was.
Let’s keeping making our work.
happy chinese new year! | 新年快乐!
wishing a fabulous new lunar yeart o you and your loved ones this chinese new
year holiday.
a drawing series of new zodiac animals is linked below for the curious.
stay warm, take care and have a very lovely
lunar new year.
warmest wishes,
jubilämsausstellung | galerie eigenheim, kunsthalle harry graf kessler, weimar
images below from the exhibition and vernissage of galerie eigenheim’s 10 jahre jubiläumsausstellung at kunsthalle harry graf kessler in weimar.
thank you to everyone who came to the exhibition.
more about galerie eigenheim
more about the 10 jahre jubiläumsausstellung and artists book
jubiläumausstellung | galerie eigenheim | kunsthalle harry graf kessler, weimar
eine zweiteilige jubiläumsausstellung
[kunsthalle harry graf kessler]
eröffnung: 09 dec, 2016 um 17 uhr
dauer: 10 dec, 2016 – 06 jan, 2017
tom ackermann / konstantin bayer / benedikt braun / michaël camellini / stephan dill / enrico freitag / kathryn gohmert / julia herfurth / michael von hintzenstern / gerald & martin höfer/ marc jung / david ashley kerr / edith kollath / maja linke / martin mohr / nele möller / adam noack / nina röder / stefan schiek / anna schimkat / michal schmidt / julia scorna / peter stechert / daniel thompson / lars wild / christiane wittig
aus anlass ihres 10-jährigen bestehens würdigt die kulturdirektion der stadt weimar die galerie eigenheim weimar/berlin mit einer zweiteiligen jubiläumsausstellung in der kunsthalle harry graf kessler. gezeigt werden eine jubiläumsedition von 26 künstlern sowie installationen und objekte. alle arbeiten stehen inhaltlich in direktem bezug zur galerie.
zur ausstellungseröffnung am freitag, dem 09 dezember, 2016, um 17 uhr, laden wir sie und ihre begleitung herzlich ein.
ort: kunsthalle harry graf kessler / goetheplatz 9b / 99423 weimar
more on the galerie eigenheim website here.
jubiläumausstellung: 10 jahre galerie eigenheim, berlin
the group exhibition, JUBILÄUMSAUSSTELLUNG, is on display now at galerie eigenheim berlin.
see my recent pen and ink drawings with the work of other talented artists here until 18 june, 2016.
the work in this exhibition has been collected together into a publication that will be touring around germany [more details coming soon].
more information on the exhibition can be found on galerie eigenheim’s website, with more about the included artists, etc. here.
jubiläumausstellung | 10 jahre galerie eigenheim, berlin
my newest pen and ink works will be shown at galerie eigenheim as part of their upcoming 10 year anniversary exhibition.
join the vernissage saturday, 21 may, 19:00, at galerie eigenheim’s mitte location [linienstrasse 130, 10115, berlin].
more details on galerie eigenheim’s website or else the facebook event page.
JUBILÄUMSAUSSTELLUNG – 10 Jahre Galerie Eigenheim
öffnung: 21.05. um 19 Uhr
Dauer 20.05. bis 18.06.2016
Tom Ackermann / Konstantin Bayer / Benedikt Braun / Michaël Camellini / Enrico Freitag / Kathryn Gohmert / Julia Herfurth / Michael von Hintzenstern / Gerald & Martin Höfer / Marc Jung / David Ashley Kerr / Edith Kollath / Maja Linke / Martin Mohr / Nele Möller / Adam Noack / Nina Röder / Stefan Schiek / Anna Schimkat / Michal Schmidt / Julia Scorna / Peter Stechert / Daniel Caleb Thompson / Lars Wild / Christiane Wittig
Galerie Eigenheim Berlin10 Jahre Galerie Eigenheim – ein Jubiläum, welches uns veranlasst, eine Ausstellung zusammen zu stellen, die auf vielfältige Weise diese für uns so prägende Zeit reflektiert. In diesen Jahren wurden rund 400 Ausstellungen, Konzerte, Künstler- wie Kuratorenstipendien, Symposien oder Lesungen mit unzähligen Künstlern und Institutionen realisiert, und über 40 Publikationen im Eigenheim Journal of Culture veröffentlicht. Unmöglich hier eine Auflistung aller Ereignisse vorzunehmen, haben wir uns entschlossen, eine Jubiläumsedition in einer Auflage von 12 mit Unterstützung vieler Künstler als Hauptbestandteil der Ausstellung zusammen zu stellen. Individuelle Bezüge und Erinnerungen an die Galerie sollten die Grundlage für die jeweilige Arbeit sein.Künstler wie Daniel Caleb Thompson, Benedikt Braun, Julia Scorna und Enrico Freitag, die von Anfang an die Atmosphäre der Galerie prägten, und den Beginn mit wilden Utopien und wöchentlich wechselnden Ausstellungskonzepten miterlebten, sind genauso Bestandteil der Jubiläumsedition wie die Persönlichkeiten der Weimarer Kulturlandschaft Michael von Hintzenstern oder Peter Stechert, internationale Künstlerbekanntschaften wie David Ashley Kerr (AUS), Michaël Camellini (FR) oder Kathryn Gohmert (US), Lehrbeauftragte der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Tom Ackermann und Nina Röder, unsere Hauskünstler Adam Noack, Stefan Schiek, Michal Schmidt, Martin Mohr und Christiane Wittig oder Beteiligte an den vielen Gruppen- sowie kuratierten Themenausstellungen, Künstler Residencies, Master- oder Doktorpräsentationen Julia Herfurth, Gerald sowie Martin Höfer, Marc Jung, Edith Kollath, Nele Möller, Anna Schimkat und Maja Linke.Wir laden ein, zu einer umfangreichen Ausstellung, die über die Präsentation der käuflich erwerbbaren Jubiläumsedition hinaus, die Arbeits- und Wirkungsweise der Galerie Eigenheim zeigt und ab Samstag den 21.Mai um 19 Uhr in der Galerie Eigenheim Berlin besichtigt werden kann. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.
happy year of the monkey! 新年快乐!
wishing a wonderful new lunar new year to you and your loved ones, with all the playfulness, sociability and creative energy the monkey has to offer.
in kind exchange + the stroke of a pen | ifa gallery | brussels
fellow artist from Shanghai days, sergey balovin brings his talent and energy to brussels this afternoon for an experimental happening presented as part of THE STROKE OF A PEN group exhibition during it’s last week at ifa gallery.
sergey has spent the last few years traveling around the world engrossed in his project, IN KIND EXCHANGE.
in a commitment to sustain all his daily needs while strictly avoiding monetary transactions, he has been able to survive exclusively through goods exchanged with people that are excited to trade tangible, useful things to him for beautiful, customized portraits he makes on site.
sergey was trained classically as a painter in russia before setting out on the path he navigates now, as an artist with no use for a monetary system.
I recommend visiting if you are in Brussels then.
THE STROKE OF A PEN | vernissage in image
thank you so much to everyone that made it to the opening night of THE STROKE OF A PEN this past weekend at ifa gallery and joined to help celebrate the show.
this group exhibition is a collection of multi-disciplinary work and will be running from 21 february – 15 march at ifa gallery, brussels. each work is a separate response to events surrounding the recent charlie hebdo attacks and explores the theme of illustration: it’s power, it’s purposes and it’s limits.
images from the installation and vernissage are below.
baga 1, 2015. kathryn gohmert. pen and ink on paper
baga 1, 2015. pen and ink on paper
two works from my baga illustration series.
zane mellupe
THE STROKE OF A PEN | ifa gallery [details]
“ifa gallery showcases a group of artists commissioned for the exhibition, THE STROKE OF A PEN, each artist interpreting the title as he or she sees best, whether figuratively or with more violent overtones.
christophe demaître melts photography techniques and ink with sensuality. zane mellupe explores the importance of line in the landscape with her marble sculpture. christopher paul gill’s collages underline the necessity of freedom of expression, as does susanne junker with her feminist-themed photographs.
kathryn gohmert’s drawings are the expression of the underestimated carnage that took place in baga, nigeria, on the same date of the charlie hebdo attacks. wu junyong and dai guangyu concentrate on the issue of ink in contemporary chinese culture. alexandre ouairy proposes in “blank project” a series of 100 silk-screen prints on art paper, all numbered and signed. the contract signed during their acquisition defines the artist’s moral right toward his artwork.”
more about the stroke of a pen exhibition.
more about ifa gallery.
year of the goat | 新年快乐!
wishing you a phenomenal new lunar year filled with all the inspiration, tranquility and graceful progress the year of the goat has to offer!
i’m excited to announce that some of my recent work - produced during my residency in shanghai last month - will be part of ifa gallery‘s upcoming group exhibition, the stroke of a pen, with work by other talented artists: dai guangyu, christophe demaitre, christopher gill, susanne junker, zane mellupe, alexandre ouairy and wu junyong.
the exhibition runs from 21 february – 15 march, 2015, and you are also very warmly invited to the vernissage on friday, 20 feb, from 5 – 9 pm if you are in the brussels area then.
more about the stroke of a pen group exhbiition.
"trace" 2 | SAPH SHANGHA
thank you Swatch Art Peace Hotel for this image.
an illustration from my pen and ink series completed during my residency at the swatch art peace hotel, mars (2015), is now included in the faces and traces exhibition in addition to the earlier mixed media work from my brain series. See both works here.
the closing date of the show has also now been extended to 1 march, for anyone wanting to visit the exhibition at the hotel’s bund location.
more about the faces and traces show here.
year of the horse | 中国新年快乐 2014
happy chinese new year! 中国新年快乐!
wishing you and your loved ones all the adventure, good energy and success the year of the horse has to offer: have a wonderful 2014.