I’m so excited Voyage Dallas featured my story and work in their latest string of interviews with creative entrepreneurs.
Grateful I even got to touch on my artist collective Gonzomechanics, and our mission as well as my own personal focus on connection and the brain in this article.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival.
New Gonzomechanics Artists | *LLND
Gonzomechanics is thrilled to add French artist team *LLND to our collective. We are looking forward to collaborating together and showing more of their interactive work in our upcoming projects.
*LLND is an international media artist team merging sound, image and matter in an approach that combines physical reality, science, myth, technology, and real time. *LLND stands for the initials of Laurent Lettrée and Nathalie Delpech, who have been based in Shanghai, China since 2009.
Nathalie’s video and graphic art are a poetic meeting of the psychedelic and surrealism. With strong colours and forms borrowed from a revisited reality, she gives life to inanimate objects. Laurent is composer and self-taught electronic machinery builder. He explores sound and its multiple frequencies and rhythmic variations.
Image of ‘Music Garden’ installation, Shanghai, 2019.
new gonzomechanics artist | Caitlin Pickall
Gonzomechanics is pleased to add multimedia artist, Caitlin Pickall, to our collective!
Image from installation, ‘Lighstream 108’, 2018.
Caitlin Pickall is a multimedia installation artist. She combines audiovisual and constructed elements with sensors and custom software to create reactive objects and environments that address material culture, social rituals and processes of meaning-creation.
Her work explores the mental concepts used to define self and experience and the relationships between these constructs and physical space with an emphasis on fracturing and restructuring of space and time, networks and systems, and hybrid and liminal spaces.
Born in the United States, she has lived and worked in New York, Los Angeles, Paris and Berlin and is currently based in New York City.
Look forward to seeing more of Caitlin's interactive work in our upcoming projects.
Special congratulations to Gonzomechanic Gökçen Dilek Acay for winning the 2021 thüringen Landesstipendium für Bildende Kunst!
Her solo show DIE KONFERENZ DER TIERE opens next week, 30.4 , at Galerie Eigenheim Berlin with an online vernissage at 19 Uhr. DIE KONFERENZ DER TIERE runs until 29.05.2021.
see more of Dilek’s work on the gonzomechanics website.
New Gonzomechanics Artist | Chen Hangfeng
Gonzomechanics is pleased to add artist, Chen Hangfeng, to our artist collective. Look for more of Hangfeng's interactive work in our upcoming projects this year.
Image from installation, 'Where the Wind Comes From', 2010.
Image from installation, 'Where the Wind Comes From', 2010.
“‘Where the Wind Comes From’ explores the museumification of traditional culture – which has become more of a specimen of observation rather than a living, breathing part of contemporary Chinese culture. In this way, it seems the Chinese traditional culture can only come alive when we engage with it – read the classics, study poems or practice calligraphy. Without the presence of our gaze it becomes lifeless and still.
When the viewer comes close to this work, a motion sensor sets a number of fans into action, causing the plastic bamboo leaves to rustle in the wind. A “fake” traditional Chinese painting in fact revives the spirit of traditional gardens in the middle of a bustling street, which reflects on our own temporary presence as a “wind” stirring this changing society.”
Chen Hangfeng (1974) works in graphic, paper-cut, drawing, painting, installation, performance, photography and video. His practice has been focusing on film and moving images since 2010. His work deals with the issues of identity, contradictions brought by globalization, environmental changes and cultural transmutation; often realized through playful metaphor, and he merge concepts and mediums like an alchemist. He sees artist as a present-day incarnation of ancient philosopher, artisan and literati.
Chen currently works and lives between Shanghai and Amsterdam. He will become a researcher at the Master Program of Netherlands Film Academy from September 2021.
more about hangfeng’s work.
Congratulations to fellow-Gonzomechanic, Gökçen Dilek Acay. Her show ‘BÖSE IN MIR/DIR’ runs until 21.11.20 at Galerie Eigenheim, weimar.
details below:
Vernissage 23.10.2020 um 19 Uhr
Dauer 24.10. – 21.11.2020 / Ort EIGENHEIM Weimar, Asbachstraße 1 (Gärtnerhaus im Weimarhallenpark), 99423 Weimar / Rahmenprogramm23.10. um 19:30h – Konzert mit Ayşe Kurultay (Gitarre), Josephine Prkno (Trompete), Stephen Nolan (Gitarre) und Gökçen Dilek Acay (Violine) / 30.10. ab 19:30h – Stickabend / 06.11. ab 14h bis 22h – Fotogram Workshop / 19.11. um 20.00h – Jam Session Music Abend
“Gökçen Dilek Acay diskutiert in ihrer Arbeit Konzepte der Unterdrückung, Macht und den zerstörerischen Aspekten des Menschen. Acay verwendet verschiedene Symbole um den Kontrast und den gegenseitigen Einfluss zwischen dem tierischen im Menschen und dem menschlichen im Tier zu zeigen. Macht ist ein Spiegelbild der modernen Gesellschaft und der politischen Struktur des Rohen und Instinktiven. Der moderne Mensch besteht nach Acay aus Widersprüchen. In ihrer Arbeit versuche sie, diese Wildheit und die Gewalt gegen weniger begünstigte Wesen sowie gegen den objektivierten und missbrauchten Körper herauszuarbeiten und darzustellen. ”
More about artist collective Gonzomechanics.
very grateful to goethe-institut and kultursymposium weimar for the video inclusion of accountability machine in action during “die route wird neu berechnet” video released online this week.
(accountability machine caught pointing north at :59)
more about my work here and more about gonzomechanics and its machines here.
KULTURSYMPOSIUM WEIMAR 2019 takes place next week, 19 – 21 June at various locations in Weimar.
The theme “die Route wird neu berechnet” (recalculating the route) will be explored in the various lectures, performances, exhibitions and discussions going on during that time, and Compass: Accountability Machine will one of the interactive works featured on-site. Gozomechanics is very pleased to participate as an artist collective.
Visit the KSWE19 website for the lineup of speakers/artists/discussions/performances or find more details about the event on their facebook page.
WOCHE DER DEMOKRATIE | deutsches nationaltheater, weimar
thank you to everyone that visited and took part in WOCHE DER DEMOKRATIE at the deutsches nationaltheater in weimar over the last 10 days. it was lovely interacting with you.
also very honored that angela merkel visited the deutsches nationaltheater during the exhibition to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the weimar republic.
photos of chancellor merkel’s visit to the exhibition.
more images of accountability machine on display during woche der demokratie can be found on instagram via: @kathryngohmert or @gonzomechanicsstudio.
WOCHE DER DEMOKRATIE | deutsches nationaltheater, weimar
very pleased to have recent work included in the WOCHE DER DEMOKRATIE opening this friday, 1 february, at the deutsches nationaltheater in weimar.
this will also be the public debut of the gonzomechanics artist collective, as we show the interactive sculpture, compass: accountability machine together.
the exhibition celebrates the 100 year anniversary of the meeting of the national assembly in weimar in 1919 which began the famous weimar republic.
the full line-up of lectures, performances and concerts can be found on the WOCHE DER DEMOKRATIE website, and image updates can followed on instagram.
MANIFEST OF PRACTICE | thüringer staatskanzlei, berlin
incredibly honored to have work featured in the manifest of practice exhibition opening this week with great minds from bauhaus-universität weimar as part of bauhaus 100.
the show runs 17 jan – 1 feb at the thüringer staatskanzlei in berlin
opening hours are monday – friday, 9 – 18 uhr.
more information on the manifest of practice exhibition website and more about gonzomechanics on our website and @gonzomechanicsstudio on instagram.