Some thoughts and words on my work and practice, as part of this virtual tour of LOCUS ANAMNESIS.
the virtual exhibition is online for five more days, until 28.2.22.
visit locus anamnesis.
Some thoughts and words on my work and practice, as part of this virtual tour of LOCUS ANAMNESIS.
the virtual exhibition is online for five more days, until 28.2.22.
visit locus anamnesis.’s words about the DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS? Exhibition at Galerie Bernau (with some words on my performance with the Callings musical score at the opening).
DID YOU MEAN BAUHAUS is curated by @annkathrinrudorf with photos by @alena_schmick.
The exhibition runs 1 Aug - 20 Sept.
read the entire article here.
Learn more about my calling blind series here.
drawings from my callings series, a collection of musical scores for wild bird calls, are on view at galerie bernau as part of the group show DID YOU MEAN BAUAHUS? running from 1.08 - 20.09.2019.
the calling blind works explore how the act of calling is a metaphor for human exploration and the vulnerability and bravery involved in the act of waiting with hope.
denise rosero bermúdez, constanza carvajal, ah ram chae, sophie foster, kathryn gohmert, devadeep gupta, stefan lesueur, ma hie, yael peri, yagmur iskin ruzgar, nora spiekerman, edoardo tedde, jakob wirth, wong sze ting, astrid true may, sergio valencia
curated by ann-kathrin rudorf
photos: alena schmick
article in
see more images on instagram here.
Images from Kultursymposium Weimar’s opening and (and after party) this past weekend, with Accountability Machine interacting on-site. This was a blast.
Read more about how Accountability Machine is trying to save the world.
more about goethe institut’s “DIE ROUTE WIRD NEUE BERECHNET” here.
more about the sculpture Accountability Machine here.
KULTURSYMPOSIUM WEIMAR 2019 takes place next week, 19 – 21 June at various locations in Weimar.
The theme “die Route wird neu berechnet” (recalculating the route) will be explored in the various lectures, performances, exhibitions and discussions going on during that time, and Compass: Accountability Machine will one of the interactive works featured on-site. Gozomechanics is very pleased to participate as an artist collective.
Visit the KSWE19 website for the lineup of speakers/artists/discussions/performances or find more details about the event on their facebook page.
IMAGINARY BAUHAUS MUSEUM is in its last week and on view until June 2 at Schiller-Museum Weimar.
The finissage is on Sunday, June 2, 14 - 18 Uhr.
Accountability Machine (2017) with work by Minhee Ahn in background.
Life is Short, Buy the Shoes (2019) by Moawya Al Kadra
The Midas Touch - Money Talks (2019) by Edoardo Teddes.
Read the Washington Post article talking about the show here.
More about the Imaginary Bauhaus Exhibition here.
really grateful to the Washington Post for mentioning the imaginary bauhaus museum exhibition in this article exploring the 100 year anniversary of Bauhaus.
Read the whole article, including interview with Danica Dakic, here.
Thüringer Allgemeine’s Culture section exploring the Leipziger Buchmesse this year. My board game installation, Citizenship: German Edition (2018), is mentioned here in relation to Bauhaus Universität, what books reveal about Homo Sapiens and the concept of exactly what and who is foreign/local today.
The whole article is here in German and English.
some images from the Woche der Demokratie opening at the deutsches nationaltheater, weimar last weekend.
it’s also an honor to have work exhibited in the same building Angela Merkel visited to honor the 100 year anniversary of the Weimar Republic this week (image below courtesy of @stadtweimar).
(image @stadtweimar)
more here about the Woche der Demokratie exhibition at the deutsches nationaltheater, weimar and why this year is such an important year for german history.
thank you to everyone that visited and took part in WOCHE DER DEMOKRATIE at the deutsches nationaltheater in weimar over the last 10 days. it was lovely interacting with you.
also very honored that angela merkel visited the deutsches nationaltheater during the exhibition to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the weimar republic.
photos of chancellor merkel’s visit to the exhibition.
more images of accountability machine on display during woche der demokratie can be found on instagram via: @kathryngohmert or @gonzomechanicsstudio.
Thank you to everyone that joined the Manifest of Practice exhibition vernissage at the Thüringer Staatskanzlei in Berlin and made the opening so memorable.
It’s a pleasure to be part of the 100 Years of Bauhaus anniversary with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, its team and its alumni.
See more images and videos from the night on @gonzomechanicstudio’s instagram and how gonzomechanics is trying to save the world with more about our artists here.
The exhibition runs until 1 Feb.
incredibly honored to have work featured in the manifest of practice exhibition opening this week with great minds from bauhaus-universität weimar as part of bauhaus 100.
the show runs 17 jan – 1 feb at the thüringer staatskanzlei in berlin
opening hours are monday – friday, 9 – 18 uhr.
more information on the manifest of practice exhibition website and more about gonzomechanics on our website and @gonzomechanicsstudio on instagram.
Now a 360° gallery visit of the Deutchland... exhibition at Galerie Eigenheim is available online courtesy of ART@Berlin.
Visitors on this site can now view my board game installation, Citizenship: German Edition (pictured below) as well as work from the other artists from the convenience of their preferred screen (although still not the same as an in-person visit).
Visit the show in person until 21 December at Galerie Eigenheim’s Charlottenburg location.
thank you to all that joined the vernissage of the DEUTSCHLAND… exhibition at galerie eigenheim berlin.
the interactive work, citizenship: german edition, will be installed on site for the length of the show, 27 oct – 21 dec, 2018 at kantstraße 28, charlottenberg, berlin.
see the galerie eigenheim website or facebook page for more info.
my new interactive game, citizenship: german edition, will be on display in the exhibition, DEUTSCHLAND…, opening this friday, 26 oct., at galerie eigenheim berlin to celebrate the limited edition artists’ book.
the show runs 27 oct. – 21 dec., 2018, at galerie eigenheim’s berlin location (kantstraße 28, 10623)
opening: friday, 26 oct., 19 uhr
see the facebook page for more information.
i’m proud to have my newest work included in this artist’s book with so many talented other artists. my interactive board game, citizenship: german edition, is installed on site and can be played while the show runs. this game navigates players (using stamps as game tokens) through the joys and agonies on the path to german citizenship by means of learning a complicated language, paying taxes, adapting to dramatic weather and partying in berlin.
selections of this artist’s book are on display this weekend, 9 - 12 September at booth B09 at the positions berlin art fair.
the publication DEUTSCHLAND… is on view until 4 October at galerie eigenheim weimar and can be found at their weimar location (asbachstraße 1, 99423) or their newly-opened berlin space (kantstraße 28, 10623, charlottenburg) .
details are below in german, or on the galerie eigenheim website.
DEUTSCHLAND… die 3. Edition von Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin
Eröffnung 24.08.2018 um 19 Uhr / Dauer 25.08. – 04.10.2018 / Ort Eigenheim Weimar (im Gärtnerhaus des Weimarhallenparks, Asbachstr.1, 99423 Weimar) / beteiligte Künstler Gökçen Dilek Acay / Akinbode Akinbiyi / Johannes Albers / Claus Bach / Konstantin Bayer / Marc Bijl / Anna Bittersohl / Benedikt Braun / Frederik Foert / Enrico Freitag / Kathryn Gohmert / Rayk Goetze / Marc Jung / Mischa Leinkauf / Berit Mücke / Timo Herbst und Marcus Nebe / Adam Noack / Nina Röder / Naomi Tereza Salmon / Anna Schimkat / Heike Stephan / Zentrum für Politische Schönheit / Julia Scorna / Gabriele Stötzer / Ulrike Theusner / Philip Topolovac / Christian Werner / Reinhard Zabka
Nach den beiden erfolgreichen Editionen zum Thema 10 Jahre Galerie Eigenheim (2016) und Handlungsanweisungen in der Kunst (2017) widmet sich Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin im Jahr 2018 dem Thema Deutschland…
Zusammen mit 28 nationalen und internationalen Künstlern diskutieren wir das Bild dieser Nation von heute, setzen uns mit der Geschichte auseinander und beschäftigen uns mit individuell biografischen Blickwinkeln auf dieses Land. Die Edition erscheint in einer Auflage von 12, im Format A3, in einer leinengebundenen Box und vereint Malerei, Druckgrafik, Fotografie, Installation, Sound- und Videoarbeiten. Mehr Informationen zur Ausstellung, den Arbeiten und den Künstlern finden Sie auf unserer Webseite. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch zur Eröffnung, zu den Öffnungszeiten oder jederzeit nach Vereinbarung.
from maxim gorki theater website:
“seit mittlerweile vier spielzeiten arbeiten wir am maxim gorki theater daran, uns aus vereinfachungen, zuschreibungen und kategorisierungen herauszuspielen und neue narrative aufzubauen.
im november laden wir zur dritten ausgabe des berliner herbstsalons mit kunst, theater, performance und diskurs in die mitte der stadt: vom brandenburger tor über das kronzprinzenpalais bis zum palais am festungsgraben und in das GORKI. unter der überschrift desintegriert euch! versammelt der 3. berliner herbstsalon arbeiten von rund 100 bildenden und darstellenden künstlerinnen, die sich kritisch mit konstruktionen von identität und einheit auseinandersetzen.
3. berliner herbstsalon | 11. – 26. november
organisiert von shermin langhoff mit aljoscha begrich, cagla Ilk, erden kosova, tunçay kulaoğlu, elena sinanina.
die uraufführung beginnt um 16:30, 11. november.
die ausstellung beginnt um 19:00 uhr, 11 november.”
[palais am festungsgraben]
[maxim gorki theater]
you are warmly invited to the 3. berliner herbstsalon exhibition opening next saturday, 11 nov, hosted by maxim gorki theater, berlin.
some of my newest interactive work will be featured along with other participating artists’ + fellow mfa students from bauhaus-universität weimar.
please find information about the opening and other details below for your reference.
3. berliner herbstsalon
maxim gorki theater
11 – 26 november, 2017
opening : sat, 11 nov, 7 – 11 pm
normal hours : mon – fri, 4 – 11 pm
sat + sun, 1 – 11 pm
location :
palais am festungsgraben
maxim gorki theater
more about included artists, their work and an itinerary of scheduled events can be found on the websites below.
it would be lovely to see you at the exhibition if you are in the berlin area.
take care + see you soon.
maxim gorki theater
3. berliner herbstsalon
above: concept illustration by atsuko mochida.
entre quatro paredes is a collaborative, guerilla performance in which walls transform themselves into rooms using the public spaces of weimar.
[scheduled interventions:]
fri, 14 july, 14:00 – 16:00
bauhaus-universität weimar [main building]
sat, 15 july, 17:30 – 19:30
locations announced via social media
find us on social media:
the living installation, entre quatro paredes, plays with intimacy, boundaries and borders by transporting itself through the public sphere by means of four interdisciplinary performers.
walls are no passive objects: as catalysts of change, walls actively reshape and restrict movement. acting as barriers, they can divide communities and isolate individuals, while also visibly and literally connecting strangers in intimate settings and serendipitous encounters.
simultaneously inclusive and excluding, occurring at a site and a “non-site,” entre quatro paredes transforms public spaces into immediate, private spaces within the context of four walls.
created and performed by kathryn gohmert, martina jacobi, atsuko mochida and malak yacout saleh.
image by martina jacobi and malak yacout saleh.
entre quatro paredes is part of summaery 2017, and is a satellite project of the exhibition, WITHINFOURWALLS.
more about martina jacobi
more about kathryn gohmert
more about atsuko mochida
more about malak yacout saleh
follow #entrequatroparedes2017
[UN]SOUNDS OF BUCHENWALD, opening this weekend, is an artistic research project by the mfa program, “public art and new artistic strategies [kunst im öffentlichen raum und neue künstlerische strategien],” with bauhaus-universität weimar. the project will be shown in two exhibitions in both weimar/buchenwald and in berlin.
angélica barón, vincent brière, vienne chan, rafaella constantinou, sophie foster, kathryn gohmert, anke hannemann, yihui liu, matthew lloyd, nasir malekijoo, mila panić, yunju park, mariya pavlenko, denise rosero bermúdez, feng runze, malak yacout saleh, saša tatić, sze ting wong, yi weihua, ina weise
january 20, 2017, 3:00 pm at the former disinfection hall, buchenwald memorial, weimar.
walk of art: involving site-specific works begins at 2:00 pm from the main train station in weimar, entrance hall
more information on the buchenwald memorial]