moving studios | 111 liyang lu


all good things must come to an end … the studio on the 2nd floor of the creative community of 111 liyang lu is being passed on to good friend – and fellow painter chick – wang yuhang, as we relocate my studio to the former french concession area in an old lane house building.

in the meantime, please enjoy this photo documentation on my blurry camera of all the paintings, musical instruments, books, brushes and miscellaneous collected odds and ends that are part of my life as a creative in this city.

I love this chair so much.

I love this chair so much.


above image lothar spree documenting the move for a short film of his. also special thanks to good friend and fellow artist, konstantin bayer, for his help with the move.

somehow it all fit into two dazhong taxi trucks.

goodbye 111, you will be missed.

excited to share images of the new studio on south shaanxi lu soon.


111 LIYANG LU | creative hunt

we’ve been spotted! 111 liyang lu has been the focus of this online article featured on creative hunt’s website this month.

some great photos of this new creative area and its artists – along with their work and studio spaces – are included. well done to the team at creative hunt [cheers to the talented francis arnold].

see the full article on the creative hunt website here.