May this lunar year of the wood dragon reward all your courage with extraordinary treasure.
happy year of the monkey! 新年快乐!
wishing a wonderful new lunar new year to you and your loved ones, with all the playfulness, sociability and creative energy the monkey has to offer.
THE STROKE OF A PEN | vernissage in image
thank you so much to everyone that made it to the opening night of THE STROKE OF A PEN this past weekend at ifa gallery and joined to help celebrate the show.
this group exhibition is a collection of multi-disciplinary work and will be running from 21 february – 15 march at ifa gallery, brussels. each work is a separate response to events surrounding the recent charlie hebdo attacks and explores the theme of illustration: it’s power, it’s purposes and it’s limits.
images from the installation and vernissage are below.
baga 1, 2015. kathryn gohmert. pen and ink on paper
baga 1, 2015. pen and ink on paper
two works from my baga illustration series.
zane mellupe
year of the horse | 中国新年快乐 2014
happy chinese new year! 中国新年快乐!
wishing you and your loved ones all the adventure, good energy and success the year of the horse has to offer: have a wonderful 2014.