entre quatro paredes intervention | weimar

above: concept illustration by atsuko mochida.

above: concept illustration by atsuko mochida.

entre quatro paredes is a collaborative, guerilla performance in which walls transform themselves into rooms using the public spaces of weimar.

[scheduled interventions:]

fri, 14 july, 14:00 – 16:00
bauhaus-universität weimar [main building]

sat, 15 july, 17:30 – 19:30
locations announced via social media

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the living installation, entre quatro paredes, plays with intimacy, boundaries and borders by transporting itself through the public sphere by means of four interdisciplinary performers.

walls are no passive objects: as catalysts of change, walls actively reshape and restrict movement. acting as barriers, they can divide communities and isolate individuals, while also visibly and literally connecting strangers in intimate settings and serendipitous encounters.

simultaneously inclusive and excluding, occurring at a site and a “non-site,” entre quatro paredes transforms public spaces into immediate, private spaces within the context of four walls.

created and performed by kathryn gohmertmartina jacobiatsuko mochida and malak yacout saleh.

entre quatro paredes
 is part of summaery 2017, and is a satellite project of the exhibition, WITHINFOURWALLS.

more about martina jacobi
more about kathryn gohmert
more about atsuko mochida
more about malak yacout saleh

follow #entrequatroparedes2017

illustration by atsuko mochida

illustration by atsuko mochida

you are cordially invited to be among the first to preview the grand happening, HOTEL LEIPZIG. the event will commence, tuesday, 16 may at 12 pm directly west of the main train station at willy-brandt-platz [between kurt-schumacher-straße and gerberstraße]. a walk of art will explore the artistic interventions at various locations around the city centre, beginning with the first location at the former hotel astoria at 12 pm [noon].

participating artists:
vincent brière // rafaella constantinou // sophie foster // kathryn gohmert // ahmet kavas // rebecca a. layton // yihui liu // matthew lloyd // nasir malekijoo // atsuko mochida // denise rosero bermudez // feng runze // malak yacout saleh // sze ting wong // yi weihua

HOTEL LEIPZIG is a project of the mfa program, “public art and new artistic strategies,” under the direction of prof. danica dakić, anke hannemann, ina weise and jirka reichmann (coordination) with bauhaus-universität weimar.

more about HOTEL LEIPZIG

seeds | hotel leipzig


this performance took place on 16 may, en route to the deutsche zentralbücherei für blinde from the leipzig hauptbahnhof.

roughly three million dandelion seeds were gathered in goethe’s park an der ilm. the seeds were relocated to a suitcase and then transported to leipzig by train. after carrying the suitcase to the entrance of the deutsche zentralbücherei für blinde [german central library for the blind], the suitcase was opened and the seeds handed out personally as ‘post’ to passing pedestrians.

as dandelion plants reportedly have medicinal properties which combat memory loss and decrease  the effects of dementia, the spreading of these seeds by way of this intimate, person-to-person method is intended to cure the repeating spells of memory loss human history continues to experience.

aera efas | sculpture intervention


about aera efas

this work is an on-site installation on a piece of land in jacksonville, texas, a location harboring increasing anti-immigration sentiment in the last several years.

this structure creates an enclosed space for a chosen subject; the area immediately beneath it is protected from all harmful elements in its surrounding environment.

as sunlight, additional nutrients, gasses necessary for plant life and new seeds are also stopped from entering the secured area, the natural result is a stagnation, decline and eventual decay of the life being contained.

life cannot exist without risk.

more about aera efas.