thank you to the writers at io donna for such a beautiful write-up about the artists undertaking residencies at the swatch art peace hotel at the moment.

they speak briefly about my work, the new wild west is east below.

see a higher quality version of the article [in italian] on their website here.


DAS ENDE VOM 696 | art: das kunstmagazin


a write-up on the LOST AND FOUND group exhibition at stageback gallery in hip german art magazine, art!

696 weihai lu is honored in this article, as the meaning behind the LOST AND FOUND group exhibition is explored.

fantastic words on URBANVIDEOSCAPESHANGHAI as well – the multi media installation work xepo w.s. and i collaborated together on for its inclusion in this show.

“während die kunststudentin in verflossenen zeiten und geschichten verwoben ist, begeben sich die in shanghai lebende amerikanische malerin kathryn gohmert und der spanische fotograf und videokünstler xepo. w.s., zur zeit stipendiat im swatch art peace hotel – shanghai, in ihr direktes umfeld. in einer gemeinschaftsarbeit haben sie schutt und trümmer der umgebung in die galerie getragen und in einer soundinstallation zu einem urbanen durcheinander aufgehäuft. auf alten fernsehern ist zu sehen, wie gohmert an verschiedenen orten glasplatten aufstellt und bemalt.”

the actual article is available on art das kunstmagazin’s website here.

LOST AND FOUND | Time Out Shanghai

time out shanghai‘s article on the LOST AND FOUND exhibition running at stageBACK gallery NOW.

read the full article online here.