naked mole rat
a true work of wonder, you, naked mole rat, are a double-edged sword of grace and beauty with your combination of defenselessness, reason-defying ugliness and generally worthless sense of direction.
with both the wrinkled, sunless skin adorning your miserable, furless shape and the disarming specks of red, staring eyes in your horrifying face, you are an unforgettable sensation to experience, which is in itself ironic because of the complete lack of pain sensation in your body.
this year reveals surprising financial opportunities for you, naked mole rat, in the same way the four, yellowed points of your appetite-annihilating teeth are revealed in the scrotum-like, whisker spattered shock of your delightful face. this is your year.
naked mole rat, 2016
30 x 40 cm. charcoal, pen and ink
ranging from the grotesque to the pathetic, the twelve animals in this horoscope provide a set of options slightly slimmer than the current zodiac animals.
it is hoped, by being confronted with unexpected — even insulting — predictions, the participant is prepared for the worst but continues to hope for the best in the lunar year.