few animals outshine the blobfish’s glory with its horrific smile, over-powering body odor and unfortunate dance moves.
in much the same way the gelatinous mass of your miserable, muscle-free body allows you to navigate the uninhabitable wastelands of the deep, dark ocean, the luck surrounding you in 2024 will enable you to thrive and succeed this year, little blobfish.
opportunities and fortune galore await you in the upcoming months, so cue up that tragic, weird little dance of yours we’ve come to know so well and let the magic begin.
blobfish, 2016
30 x 40 cm. charcoal, pen and ink
ranging from the grotesque to the pathetic, the twelve animals in this horoscope provide a set of options slightly slimmer than the current zodiac animals.
it is hoped, by being confronted with unexpected — even insulting — predictions, the participant is prepared for the worst but continues to hope for the best in the new lunar year.